Podcast Script

Audio cues

[ 10 seconds] SFX: music


SFX: Chipmunk voice

[15 seconds] Narrator

[30 seconds] Narrator

[20 seconds] Narrator

[20 seconds] Narrator

[30 seconds] Narrator

[25 seconds] Narrator


 SFX: music



Establish, then under.

“You’re listening to GCBC Radio. Have you listened to God today?”

“Hey, y’all! My name is Alesa Gerald. I am a volunteer for Great Commission Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas. I want to tell you a little bit about my church and what we do. Our goal is to teach people about God while moving them toward ministry.”
Under: music

“Ministry is so important to us because we believe people should serve God through our works. Great Commission has so many opportunities to help our community. We volunteer with organizations like Adopt-A-Block, Habitat for Humanity and Feed Across America. We want to use our good works to spread God’s word. We care a lot about the community. We love the people in it, and we are working very hard to see that we contribute to it as much as we can.”
Under: music

“In addition to the many community outreach ministries we have, Great Commission also offers a number of programs for children. It ranges from tutoring to dance and choir ministries to summer day camps. We pour into our youth because like Proverbs 22 and 6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go so that when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Under: music

“We also care about the health and well-being of our members. While our gym and sports programs cater to their physical needs, the counseling sessions we host take cater to our members’ emotional needs. Many churches believe that we can pray the bad away, but at Great Commission, we understand that sometimes we have to help ourselves so we can meet God half way.”
Under: music

“Most importantly, we also want to teach people about God. We hold worship services every Sunday and Bible studies on Wednesday nights. The classes focus more on the stories in the Bible while the sermons on Sunday teach us how to apply them to our lives. Also, we have family nights once a month that focus on how everyone can grow their personal relationship with God. Great Commission is always looking for new members, so please come and join us as we build the ministry, through the power, principles and promises of God’s word. To reach to sinner, teach the saint and strengthen the family. I can’t wait to see you there!”
Under: music

“For more information about Great Commission, friend us on Facebook or visit us on the web at w-w-w dot G-C-B-C-F-W dot org. See you soon!”

Music up and out